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More news04/09/2024
Urine collection Process
Correct Urine collection process for ESNEFT Monovettes are intended to be sent to the laboratories for analysis and not used for Dip testing.
Read more05/08/2024
EMED Going Green
The Ipswich Courier team has significantly reduced its paper usage by approximately 20,000 sheets over the past year. To put that in perspective, laid end to end the sheets would measure approximately 5.5 kilometres! This fantastic “green” achievement was made possible through close collaboration with ESNEFT Pathology Service Desk Team. Software updates made to the […]
Read more16/04/2024
Consumables Paperless Ordering System (GO LIVE – May 2024)
The Pathology Service Desk and our EMED colleagues have been in collaboration to develop a more sustainable and eco-friendly way of working. We have partnered with our website designers – Fortico, to launch a project surrounding an electronic and paperless ordering system. Our EMED Team can now process orders (once approved) digitally. The goal is […]
Read more16/04/2024
Goodbye & Good Luck to two of our ESNEFT Pathology Colleagues
Recently, we have said a fond farewell to two extremely valued ESNEFT Pathology Colleagues, who have moved onto pastures new. Lynn Partridge and Sue Sawyer worked for ESNEFT for a number of years sharing their experience and knowledge across the Trust. Lynn Partridge, Histopathology Service Lead, played an integral role in developing the Histopathology department into […]
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