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Pathology Services

Specialised Services

Rare and inherited disease request forms.

Clinicians may send genetic material for storage to the genomics hub and later request tests.

All requests should be made using the rare & inherited diseases request form.  found on the link below.

With immediate effect,  25/10/2022 all test orders on stored samples should be submitted using an East GLH Rare Disease Test order form.

East GLH will no longer accept email requests for the activation of tests on stored samples.

The web links for the East GLH Test Order form webpages are included below.

Rare disease tests – non WGS | East Genomics


Please send completed forms by email directly to the genomics laboratory using:

This correspondence confirms the East GLH requirements for ordering Rare Disease Genomic Tests on stored samples. If you do not submit test orders on stored samples then please do not change your current practice.



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Consumables Paperless Ordering System (GO LIVE – May 2024)

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Goodbye & Good Luck to two of our ESNEFT Pathology Colleagues

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Consumables-Urine Collection Pots

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