Fluorescent In Situ Hybridisation (FISH)

Must be labelled with surname, forename, DOB and Hosp/NHS no Form must have consultants name. ***Consultants Request Only***
GP or Hospital
****IPSWICH 3 x 3.4 ml EDTA Red Top**** **** COLCHESTER - 1 x Li Hep 7.5ml Orange Top **** Please refer to the notes to determine correct bottle to use
Referred (Colchester - Royal London Hospital & Ipswich - Addenbrookes) TAT: 21 days
Do not take after 12 noon Friday unless urgent. All GP & Community samples sent to Ipswich hub. Colchester Acute sent to (COL) Blood Sciences, URGENT Community/Primary Care (NEE) sent in RED sample bag to Colchester Blood Sciences