The Biochemistry Laboratory at Colchester underwent an Assessment from UKAS for ISO 15189 Accreditation in December 2022. This was a process that started in April 2019 and the Department have worked hard to pass this Assessment and have now been granted accreditation, the 1st Pathology Laboratory at Colchester to achieve this accolade.
What does ISO 15189 accreditation mean?
Accreditation is important for laboratories because it helps give assurance that they are providing a quality service to our patients and customers. This award arrived just at the right moment for the Research and Development Team as a major Sponsor was looking to grant a Research Project to Colchester but were in doubt as the Laboratory was not accredited. The award of this internationally recognised standard swayed the Sponsor to select Colchester rather than another Hospital.
The Biochemistry staff have worked for 4 years to achieve this standard and this achievement has only been possible due the hard work and dedication of the entire workforce in the Department.
Dr Catherine Street, Consultant Clinical Biochemist, Clinical Speciality Lead for Biochemistry, Clinical Director of Pathology ESNEFT said:
“’I am very proud of this achievement that shows our Department works to a very high standard demonstrated by this award. It was only possible due to all the hard work of the staff in Biochemistry and Specimen Reception. Well done everyone’