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Pathology Services

#Ipswich# Appointment wait period is approximately 2 weeks for routine bloods at Landseer road.

ESNEFT Microbiology Service Improvement

NEE – Boric Acid Sarstedt Urine Monovette™ Roll-out

ESNEFT are continually reviewing and improving the quality of their service by increasing the speed and accuracy with which they can process samples and return results to GPs and patients.  A number of changes have recently been undertaken with the urinalysis workflow in Microbiology.  For the final optimisation of this process there is a requirement to move to a primary tube urine collection system, replacing the current red top boric acid 11ml or 30ml containers used for MC&S.

we are moving to Boric Acid Monovette for Microbiology.

These sample containers are easily distinguished from the Chemistry sample tubes because they are green in colour, compared to the yellow containers used by Chemistry.

This has been pushed forward due to the National shortage for all materials within the healthcare sector to manufacture consumables used within Pathology.

Benefits of the proposed change

  1. Improves turn-around times for results by allowing samples to be placed directly onto the analyser track at the laboratory, without time being spent decanting the urine samples
  2. Maximise realisation of wider process improvements to urine analysis procedures for total turnaround
  3. Improved sample handling and processing audit trail by avoiding the need to decant into secondary tubes where re-labelling and transcription risks can arise
  4. Since the tube fits directly on the track without a need to decant the sample, there is less risk of spills, so fewer rejected samples and thus a reduction in patients being asked to provide a repeat sample
  5. Equally, with no need to decant the sample, there is less risk of contamination and hence a reduction in rejected samples and/ or errors in results
  6. Supplying the collection vessels and sample tube kits to patients will reduce the numbers of samples being dropped off by patients in inappropriate containers, e.g. tablet bottles, soft drink bottles. These inappropriate containers can result in contamination risk and so skew results, thus resulting in patients being asked to repeat the test and causing a delay in diagnosis and patient management.    Article from Peter Hitchcock Microbiology Service Lead