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Please sign in to visit the ESNEFT Pathology store.

If you have any queries about pathology consumables, setting up a new account or you have a query about your order, contact us.

Pathology Services

#Ipswich# Appointment wait period is approximately 2 weeks for routine bloods at Landseer road.

Frequently Asked Questions

Any test results requested from outside East Suffolk North Essex Trust will not be sent via the electronic links these will need to be requested by the clinician directly to Pathology Customer Service Desk.


It is our strict policy that we must not discuss patient information directly with patients or their relatives.

If a result or clinical information is required it must come from the GP practice/hospital or Clinician.  

Our Information Governance and Patient Confidentiality protocols have been set for the safety for all staff and patients concerned.

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Search FAQs

How do I obtain access to ESNEFT ICE ?

Pathology Service + -

You cannot request your own access to ICE this will need to come from your Practice Manager, Clinical Manager or authorised person, they will need to complete an application and email directly to Pathology Customer Service Desk where the application will be processed.

What blood collection bottle do I need ?

Test Database + -

Please check the test database on the homepage.

Confirm in the clinical details on the request form to see if details have been manually entered, if you are still unable to locate the information please call 0300 303 5299.

ICE has instructed a call to the laboratory is this required.

Pathology Service + -

This is usually an indication that the sample bottle requirement needs to be checked or clinical details need to be advised to the laboratory, the call handlers at the Pathology Service Desk will ask questions to determine what information is required please call 03003035299.

How can urgent consumables be ordered?

Consumables + -

Please call or email us so we can assist you



Where has my order been delivered to?

Consumables + -

Sometimes our Couriers experience delays but we would normally expect you to receive your order within 72hrs unless it’s a weekend or Bank holiday. If the time frame has exceeded this please call 0300 303 5299

I am unable to find correct item within the consumables store.

Consumables + -

If you are unable to find the item you are looking for please call Pathology Service Desk 0300 303 5299 – Please note Viral Transport Media swabs will need to be ordered directly from Microbiology laboratories, you can call us to be connected if required.

Some items will need to be ordered from specialist supply lines or NHS supplies, in the first instance you should check what the usual process is for ordering the item you need, if you have been advised it is ESNEFT Pathology Consumables please call or email.

Where can I obtain a blood test?

Pathology Service + -

For more information on blood tests for patients, click here.

How do I arrange a private blood test?

Pathology Service + -

If you already have your forms/kit, you will need to arrange payment for the blood test. Please call 0300 303 5299 for the details. We will also be able to set up the appointment at one of the Phlebotomy clinics.

Where can I get Pathology results from

Pathology Service + -

Our Information Governance and Patient Confidentiality policy means we are unable to provide any clinical information or results to anyone other than the requesting clinician/healthcare professional.

Please refer back to your healthcare professional who is looking after your care.